What a beautiful, heartwarming post, Jeannie, thank you! To be reminded more often of the question “How can I love YOU?”, instead of “Why don’t you love ME”? <3
Great little notes, Jeannie! Daisy is on my lap, purring and doing her little “kneading” routine and I’ve got snapshots and words from your lovely family. What a way to start my day!
Thanks, Alex. Kids really do have that natural tendency. I didn’t realize that when I was younger and didn’t want to have children. Even though raising them involves an immense amount of sacrifice, time, and money, they are little gems who keep teaching me far more than I believe I am teaching them.
Loved this so much Jeannie! Your kids are wise!!
Thanks Imola!
Life is so simple when we open our hearts to love—just love—love for everything and everybody, starting with ourselves.
Love is the key, isn’t it, Dawn?
I love this post, Jeannie! Your kids are amazing, with incredible insights. If only the world would listen to the voices of children....
Thank you, Beth! I know. Children teach me far more than any text book I've read.
What a beautiful, heartwarming post, Jeannie, thank you! To be reminded more often of the question “How can I love YOU?”, instead of “Why don’t you love ME”? <3
Oh, wow, what a profound reappraisal of that question, Eva. I love that! I might borrow it from you in a future Note if you don't mind.
Oh absolutely, please do! :)
Great little notes, Jeannie! Daisy is on my lap, purring and doing her little “kneading” routine and I’ve got snapshots and words from your lovely family. What a way to start my day!
I'm so glad to hear that, Rafael!
These are all such beautiful notes.
I love the innocence and wisdom of the children's perspectives – they offer a refreshing clarity that we adults often lose sight of.
Thanks, Alex. Kids really do have that natural tendency. I didn’t realize that when I was younger and didn’t want to have children. Even though raising them involves an immense amount of sacrifice, time, and money, they are little gems who keep teaching me far more than I believe I am teaching them.
From the mouths of babes. I think we collectively need to develop hearts like we were children again. Your kids are wonderful example to go by.
You know, Doreen, the greatest gift my kids have given me is the return of innocence, the ability to wonder, and a childlike heart.
All your kids are gorgeous, but l LOVE that picture of Sarah. She rocks the cowgirl look!! 🤠 xx
Thanks, Suzanne.
Thank you for writing about these daily moments of grace. I needed to read your writing today.
I’m so glad to hear that, Mary Jane!