I wish I had some profound words to offer to you, Jeannie. Since I don’t, I will instead send along my own version of love, light and angels to walk with you and your family. I hope all of you are able to recognize what a beautiful example and model you are presenting to all of those around you.

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Thank you, Marilyn. How kind of you to share that light and love today! ❤️

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Our family has faced a radical change in that we now care for my husband's mother who has dementia. We were caring for both parents but his father died 6 weeks ago. Funeral is over and now things are back to normal according to those who went back to their home, far from their mother. Everyone wants us to be back to normal; normal is an illusion. Struggle is real, but few want to hear about it. When you write, you put a fine point on the truth that all is not as it seems. Thank you!

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Deanna, what a gracious compliment. Thank you. When you wrote "normal is an illusion," the phrase really resonated with me. Thank you for sharing about the losses your family is experiencing. ❤️

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