"Anything can be creative. And whatever is creative is life-giving. Consider that: the things you love to do breathe life into your world. They inspire you. Encourage you. Remind you of your unique contributions to the world."

Yes! The uniqueness of what brings us life through how we view the world through our curiosity and wonder which sparks our creativity. The things that make us, us. Not needing to explain or serve others, yet instead serve ourselves through which others may be served and inspired, but the goal of our creativity is to connect with our heart and inspire a deeper connection within!

Thank you for this beautiful perspective and reflection!

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Thank you for your added insight here: "the goal of our creativity is to connect with our heart and inspire a deeper connection within."

Wow. So true. I think most of the time creative people get trapped because they tend to be sensitive and respond to others around them - the needs and wants of others. And that ends up stifling the beautiful gifts of the creative person, because they aren't tapped into their own needs and wants.

I think, too, that some of us refrain from creative expression, because we're taught to believe it's selfish or self indulgent. But creating means we're using the gifts we've been given, and to share those gifts is an act of generosity. ❤️

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Yes! These are all things I am working through as I come home to my creative nature that for so long was stiffled and pushed within because of these exact things you speak of here.

It is a journey of gentleness, awareness, and holding space for listening when we discover there is so much more to us.

I hope we can redefine selfish. This is something I am really trying to tend to as I learn to honor myself.

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What helps me is to differentiate between selfish and self love, because they are different.

If I do something to honor my needs, it is self love (which includes creativity). If I do something out of fear or anxiety or to shut myself off from love, it may be selfish instead.

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