I ache for you. I ache for Felicity. I ache for everyone who is put through this wringer of life, making choices they never wanted to. None of us escape unscathed. You have such compassion and such grace for everyone in your life, Jeannie. I marvel at how you apologized to Felicity in that moment -- something my mom would've never done ... the restraint you showed in not becoming defensive or explaining any of it ... so much courage.

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You just keep this love flowing in my life @Mansi , when I feel like my heart is broken. Perpetually broken and aching. Yet you keep shining this light into the cracks and crevices. I want you to know that you keep me going somehow. Thank you for being you.

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Hugs, my friend. We are all broken in different ways and as we sail through turbulent waters, we’ll all find many lighthouses along the way to keep us going.

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The "flinch", and the walls we build to guard against them. The walls we built sooooo long ago that we don't even remember, but are still there. All that. I'm reminded there is another word for Uncertainly...it's Surprise, and can be like a "Wow"! As in, I had no IDEA all of this amazing goodness was on the other side of all these walls I've been standing behind! Great work, Jeannie.

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Great insight David. Thanks so much!

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