Sitemap - 2024 - I Grow Strong Again

Ekphrastic #3: You are parts of a whole

Wait longer than you would

Give yourself permission to fail

Good writing acts as both window and mirror

Quote roundup #9: On compassion born from solitude

Ekphrastic #2: The fractals of change

Ekphrastic #1: Of humble origins

"A candle can spread fire like love."

The Book Club for Busy Readers


Live today's questions

Quote roundup #8: On finding interior peace

I am more than a body.

The day I cried in public again

Pay attention, or you will miss the beauty around you.

Your weeds might be flowers

On beauty culture and body neutrality

Quote roundup #7: On darkness as our mentor

Who are the beautiful people?

'Pretty' isn't usually used to describe my daughter.

There is a time and season for your creative work.

How unspoken expectations create disappointment

Our commonality is the language of love.

The psychology of online rejection

Hard things aren't always bad things

Moving from external validation to intrinsic motivation

The arch of a marriage

Quote Roundup #6: On Wendell Berry and our origins

What is the third thing that drives your life?

Once grief enters our lives, it never goes away.

In nature, death gives way to life.

When I try to be a better human, I become a better mom.

Quote Roundup #5: On endings, beginnings, and living in the middle

I chose my son, and his life saved mine.

Lean into life when you lose someone you love.

You are a mother because you love.

"I hope no one will have an empty heart."

Quote Roundup #4: On the unraveling of self and desert pilgrimages

The highly sensitive writer

In order to be a writer, do the writer shit.

Traverse the dark places of your life.

How aging affects my self-perception

"Explore the places where you kept yourself ignorant."

Quote Roundup #3: On writing as a spiritual practice

Honesty in writing

What it's like to live with an invisible illness

When peace eludes you

Letting go doesn't mean moving on.

Quote Roundup #2: On dreams, failure, and success

"I'm thankful Sarah looks different and I want everyone to love her."

Your "Something Greater" is where you are and where you aren't yet.

How the inner critic affects your creative work

Permission to be who you are is empowering.

Quote Roundup #1: On art, uncertainty, and authenticity

When you celebrate others, you ease the loneliness in the world.

The sacredness of winter

Finding solitude: look within and look around

"Don't borrow grief from your future."

A new year: the paradox of change